Major Update: Emergency Beta Release and Shout-Outs

Hello, Fellow melons and beta testers.

I have truly had the biggest debug session today, thanks to fellow team member who I wish to give a big shout-out to;  SwordyNate. Because of so many bugs which have been spotted and need to be squashed, I will be updating the beta for Rinoa Quest from 1.6A to 1.6B much sooner than I expected. You can access it as usual in this link: . (I still recommend for Mac and Linux users, use the Wine application to run the beta.

Overall, from what I found in 1.6A, two major softlocks which caused the game to not continue properly. I have them all fixed as you will be seeing in v1.6B:

- The cutscene at Jude's office in the Town of Jude. I fixed that part as I needed to get the tiles correct.

- The cutscene where Rinoa boards a hijacked enemy aircraft. (It would fade out and transfer the player to the wrong map)

Other than that, I was able to fix minor tileset issues. Sometimes, I learn from my experiences that the mind cannot focus on many things at once. It's probably human nature, as I was polishing the story first. I intended to have the story finished first, then spot more glitches as time passes along with advancements. Overall, I've learned lots and one of them is having a development team will really get things to good shape.

I will like to also like to end this devlog with a big shoutout to both SwordyNate, our main playtester and latest member of the team, along with Kiki Cakes , one of our side playtesters along with proofreader with lots of experience storywriting. (She's also a novice game developer, similar to me in a way)

- ChaoticNight07, Your favorite melon and aspiring developer seeking a debut.

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