Apologies for Delays

Hello, this is ChaoticNight07. No, the project is not on hiatus. No, I am not missing. I do apologize if I have not been posting recently. However, as I was helping family do home moving, I've been very busy and pre-occupied.  Other than that, I do have announcements. During the course of the game's development, I felt as if I should also add a tutorial section for the game as I feel like I need to make the game more accessible for beginners. I did advance more with the story, and Rinoa Poison, our protagonist, will continue to adventure to not only reclaim her identity, but to also learn that the Suppoat Empire was formed out of combined evil aura from an already evil aura. I did get some ideas, and I also have fleshed out more maps. In the meantime as I continue the move, while being unable to use RPG Maker MV, I continue to draw some drafts on my break. Here are some screenshots which shows a sample of what's to come in the second public demo and the next beta v1.7;

As you see here, those are all involving the Scambaiter Academy, a branch of schools where people learn to become scambait troopers and protect the world from scammers. But I integrated Neo Melon City's as a tutorial area where the player, yes you, can learn the basics of the game and battle engine. As the battle system and mechanics are to be changed soon, do expect changes to the tutorial area as well. And beta testers, do feel free to proofread and critique what needs to be changed in the tutorials and what to add!

Thank you very much for your interest and patience and I will reassure you, I will be back!

ChaoticNight07, Creative Melon and Aspiring Developer. UwU

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